Amadea Noemi Łakatosz

Date and place of birth:

21 March 1997, Poznań.

Current place of residence:



Junior high school pupil.

Current job:


Achievements in life and work:

Winner of many art competitions; awarded for the first time when I was four years old in "the Aqa - Net" competition; a four - time scholarship winner of the Ministry of Interior and Administration; won first prize in the following competitions: "A Day without Cars" under the patronage of the president of Poznań, "Young People in the European Union", "Neighbours’ day"; exhibition of my works during the Meetings with Romani Culture in Poznań; participation in the outdoor painting workshops; publication of my works in various newspapers, magazines and books.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I would say so.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to become a film director or an actress.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

Fortune favours the brave.